For the next 9 months or so I will be participating in this EU project as legal expert.
The objective of the proposed study consists in ‘providing the Commission with further evidence, analysis and advice on specific control and enforcement aspects of national, European and international trade marks and GI system which are relevant for the preparation of a possible EU system for the protection of non-agricultural GIs.’42 In particular, in order to complete the objective, different tasks must be carried out, including a research on the practices used to demonstrate the link between a product and a geographical area; an analysis of the monitoring mechanisms in place during the production phase as well as after the marketing of the product and, finally, an assessment of the enforcement measures. This research must be followed by an analysis of the benefits, costs and effectiveness of the abovementioned monitoring and enforcement mechanisms that must also take into account the differences between agricultural and non-agricultural products. Finally, building upon this background, the study must present three possible models for implementation of a monitoring and enforcement system for a possible future EU GI system for the protection of non-agricultural products.
Should you be interested in receiving more info on this project, do not hesitate to contact me.
